Friday, February 7, 2014

Fight Club - In Tyler We Trust

"Tyler Durden: All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not."'ve_lost_everything..

I was asked why I quote Fight Club so much, and I'll lay it out here.  First, Fight Club has zero to do with fighting and everything to do with spiritual and physical growth and self development for men raised by women with absentee fathers (yes I'm an atheist who uses "spiritual growth" because fuck you, that's why! )  A "FIGHT" is a metaphore for doing something that scares the shit out of you, and Tyler Durden is the part of you that you are most jealous of and fear (Tyler Durden: All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.  )  You could replace fight with cage fighting, running a marathon, learning to fucking sing...ANYTHING that you FEAR and put off doing because it's challenging.  We have also been raised to live a lifestyle that some of us don't want, get done with college, get a job you hate, buy shit you don't need and can't afford to build a nest, buy a house, get married to a girl you have no idea how to relate to (MARLA SINGER) because you've never once in your life talked about your FEELINGS because WE ARE MEN and we don't do that shit!  This is the spiritual growth part, we are men and we have feelings we need to share but we are not allowed to because society tells us not to or we are (Oh my god!) women or worse, NOT MEN.

IKEA is the metaphor for buying and building a nest we don't need to get a girl we don't know how to relate to.  Instead of going out and learning to talk to girls and befriending a female friend, (because we FEAR women more than we fear buying a new car)  we buy shit instead of going and traveling by ourselves to foreign countries (which changed my life and is why I finally escaped the MIDWEST).  We buy shit in hopes of a girl liking us for that shit because we are SPIRITUALLY EMPTY and feel we have NOTHING TO OFFER A WOMAN but our material possessions.  I was lucky enough to find the best support group I could ever possibly imagine here in San Diego that has changed my life.  Go out this weekend and SAY HI TO A GIRL!  You might actually find that you like her and she is cool with having sex with you o you might meet a badass new female friend to explain the scary scary females to you.  ;)

Fight Club is a lifestyle choice of permanent self development challenging yourself well beyond  both your physical (getting in shape) and spiritual (feelings) self.  You are always trying to become that man you fear (TYLER DURDEN).